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Fix Flutter IconData Slow Loading in Android Studio

Many developers have been encountered issue with slow loading of icons in Android Studio Artic Fox.

The problem is when one tries to search for an icon with Ctrl + Space, the suggestion list keeps loading without return any IconData.

searching for Icons.refresh without any result

If you keep waiting, the result will be returned but it tooks like 1 minute.

While waiting for an update from Android Studio dev team, you can try one of the following solutions:

Invalidating cache

Access Terminal in Android Studio and type the following lines:

flutter clean
invalidate and restart

Browse Icons in Alternate Source

There are 2 websites which allows user to browse through a list of predefined Material icons:

Both pages show full list of IconData items. I recommend because it allows searching by keywords and suggest similar icons if there is no result.

Wait for a fix

If nothing works for you, it is better to file an issue on Android Studio GitHub and wait for a new version.

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